Mrs. Smith's Classroom Information

Classroom Information

A Quick Classroom Reference for Parents

Parent Involvement

There are many ways you can be involved in your child's education. One of the most important ways to show an interest is to check your child's backpack or school folder everyday for homework, work completed, newsletters, notes, reading assignments, and spelling words. Encourage your child to tell you about the work he/she has completed and assignments they need to work on. Read the notes and newsletters to your child. You can also become involved in school by volunteering to help in the classroom or at our school.


 When you come to visit, please use the front entrance. If you need to pick up your child early, you will need to sign your child out in the office. If you would like to have a conference with me, please make an appointment so that classroom learning will not be interrupted.


Please call the office for all urgent matters.You may send a note to school if there is a change in your child's transportation, but with Kinder, I think it best to confirm receipt with a phone call. For example, riding a different bus, being picked up by yourself or a different person. Unless the school has a note about a change, your child will follow his/her usual routine.When sending money, please always place in a baggie or envelop with a name and designate what the money is for.


This year your child will begin to have reading and sight word homework. We will send more information home when we begin this program.


There will be two classroom parties this year. They are for Christmas and Valentines Day. If you are interested in helping with these parties please let me know.


District Policy is that parents may not bring birthday treats for the class and may not send party invitations to the school to be distributed.


Your child will be provided with the following special classes: Library, Physical Education, Music, and Computer Lab.


If your child is not feeling well, he/she will recuperate more quickly at home. If your child is experiencing a fever, vomiting, diarrhea or severe cold please keep them at home so that the illness is not spread to the other children in the classroom. Please call the school to let us know if your child is sick.


SCHOOL begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. 

Classroom Management

It is important that each child learn to be aware of how their behavior choices affect others. We will discuss the responsibility every student has of being respectful to those around us. To ensure that each student knows what is expected of them we will spend a great deal of time during the first few weeks of school going over class and school procedures and expectations.

In each student’s binder you will find our classroom management plan. Please discuss any notes with your child and initial the calendar daily. The binder needs to be returned to school everyday. 

Possible consequences for negative behavior are listed below.

One to one conferencing, separated from other classmates, a note sent home, phone call home, conference with Mrs. Zaragoza, Mr. Bromine, School Councilor, detention, in house suspension, suspension. Other appropriate consequences may be decided on upon misbehavior.

I will attempt to align the consequences listed above according to the behavior of each student.